TELEPHONE: +27 21 7891546
Chiropractic for humans and animals
Telephone: 021 7891546

Peak Health Chiropractic Centre
We run a dedicated clinic in the heart of Noordhoek, Cape Town, We overlook beautiful Chapman's Peak and believe all beings deserve Peak, optimal health. We attend to both human and animal patients. For further information or if you have a query please either phone or email us.

B.Sc. DC. A.E.C.C (UK)
I graduated as a Chiropractor in 1992 and have been in full time practice ever since. I think practice is the right word as there hasn’t been a day in the last 25 years where I haven’t learnt or discovered something new. The thing I have loved most about being a Doctor of Chiropractic, is being able to alleviate pain and suffering in both people and animals. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the relief in a person’s face when they are out of pain, or the sheer joy when a previously paralysed pet trots up the driveway accompanied by an owner smiling from ear to ear. As a deeply compassionate man these daily experiences feed my soul and give an indescribable sense of job satisfaction that is impossible to quantify.
Specific Chiropractic adjustment is an incredibly powerful and effective tool and I have seen many dramatic responses in patients over the years which border on “miraculous”. There are many sceptics in the medical world, that put such responses down to placebo, but in honesty many of the most amazing responses have been in pets, who obviously are not open to suggestion or placebo. Some say I’m a dog whisperer, but whispering isn’t really my thing and I think being able to read or understand animals is about our own intuition and not about verbalisation. I have had the unimaginable satisfaction of witnessing well over a thousand paralysed pets walk again as a direct result of treatment. This, in itself has confirmed to me that I chose the right and most fulfilling career.

If you are suffering with neck or back pain/stiffness, pain or numbness in a limb, any referred pain, headaches, dizziness, tiredness, insomnia, anxiety, stress, repetitive injuries, recurrent illness or just feeling out of sorts, then a visit is both advisable and worthwhile. Your spine houses your central nervous system and problems elsewhere in your body not only reflect back to your spine but can also be affected by it. You can only achieve peak health if your spine and nervous system are functioning properly.

If you have never been to the clinic before you will just need to fill in a form. If you have any previous x-rays etc you will need to bring them. We will then discuss your history privately in more detail. Examination follows, which is relaxed and straightforward, your comfort is important at all times. If further investigation like x-ray is required then we will discuss this and may refer you before any further treatment. We believe in good communication and everything will be properly explained and all your questions answered. Diagnosis is very important and it is vital that you (the patient) understand what is wrong and what the aim, expected outcome and benefit of any treatment is going to be. If appropriate and indicated, treatment may then follow along with any further advice.

Chiropractic treatment involves the gentle specific adjustment of the synovial joints, particularly those of the spine, with the aim of restoring normal joint movement and function. There are almost 100 joints making up the spine. Stiffness, misalignement of any of these joints (subluxations) may not only cause pain, but affect the nervous system causing seemingly unrelated problems elsewhere in the spine and body. Spinal joint subluxations can be caused by accidents, trauma, contact sport, poor posture, mechanical wear, disease and chemical, emotional and physical stresses. There are a wide variety of specialised, Chiropractic adjusting techniques. All are aimed towards returning normality to affected joints, allowing improved spinal and nervous system function. Adjustments may result in a 'clicking' sound. This is the sound of the release of gas from the spinal joints. Many patients welcome these sounds as part of the healing process as they feel immediate relief. However, some people find this unsettling. There are also a variety of specialised, effective adjusting techniques that do not involve a clicking sound. It is important to remember:
1. Skilled Chiropractic adjustment is specific, gentle and certainly not painful.
2. Chiropractic adjustment is a specialised, dynamic skill learnt over many years.
3. Your Chiropractor will always fully discuss and explain everything during treatment.

It is vital to have your child checked during different stages of development and growth. Early detection of spinal issues can easily prevent a lifetime of suffering. Spinal problems in children are often overlooked or misdiagnosed as growing pains, irritability, or even behavioral disorders. Children should have a checkup after any falls, trauma, repetitive or recurrent illnesses and any stressful events in their home or school environment. Unexplained behavioral changes or difficulties in concentration may also point to spinal involvement. It’s simple and easy to check a child’s spinal health and all the children we see enjoy coming to the clinic.

It is always advisable to check the spinal health of your newborn baby, irrespective of obvious symptoms. In some countries this is standard procedure. A baby's spinal health has a direct effect on the health of nervous system and thus their general well being, growth and development. It is an area that is often overlooked, yet ironically can often hold the key and provide valuable insight into a baby's general health. Symptoms in babies that could suggest spinal involvement include colic, repetitive crying, irritability and sleep disturbances.

We seem to have been conditioned to believe that as we get older we will get pain and we must accept that. How many times has an elderly patient been told “You’ve got arthritis…live with it!’The truth is however, that a lot of pain related to degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a very individual thing and can be alleviated or relieved without even using drugs. We are happy to accept that as a car gets older it needs more attention and maintenance but somehow we want to believe our physical bodies are not the same?

The majority of animal conditions that I've seen respond well to Chiropractic treatment include back, neck or tail pain and stiffness, limb weakness, lameness, sensitivity to touch, sudden changes in behaviour or personality, tiredness, trauma (psychological or physical), arthritis and changes in movement or gait (not being able to walk up the stairs or jump on the bed anymore).

Ironically, the greatest challenge as a Chiropractor is not treating or helping spinal problems, but rather getting people to identify possible signs of a spinal problem in the early stages before it becomes painful or symptomatic. It is sad how many patients present to clinic having suffered for years with pain or symptoms that could have easily been treated if only they had known a little more about spinal health and how Chiropractic could be the solution. We have seen 70 year old patients present to the clinic with a lifetime of back pain and other symptoms, caused by a Scoliosis they never even knew they had. That just seems criminal.
Most of us haven’t had education about spinal health at school and know surprisingly little about the vital structure that houses the central nervous system that controls every function in the body.
It’s always funny seeing the world through Chiropractic glasses. Whilst everyone else is admiring the sun bathing beauty or the surfing hunk on the beach, we are busy identifying who’s got the worst spinal curves and who we should be helping. Despite what you might ‘distractedly imagine’ or be concerned about, the most important curves in your body are probably the curves of your spine. Yet few of us know or understand what is considered normal in a healthy human spine.
We might not be able to give you magic x-ray specs, but we would like to help you look at the world through our Chiropractic glasses too. Our aim is to give you greater spinal ‘know how’ and help you understand what it is second nature to us: the ability to recognize potential spinal problems, not only in yourself, but also in your friends, family and, most importantly, your children.

With all the modern day stresses, I see many human and animal patients visiting the clinic once a month for maintenance treatment. This purely depends on history and spinal health, if there has been recurrent back related problems then twice a month is preferable. Obviously increasing financial pressure tends to determine many such decisions, but in truth it can take as many treatments to correct an acutely damaged disc as it does to maintain a patient's spinal health, helping to prevent the problem in the first place. This is emphasised in paralysed dogs who after recovery, re-present to the clinic after a few months unable to walk without maintenance treatment. Personally I prefer to see patients not crippled, paralysed or crawling in agony up the driveway to the clinic!


17th July 2017
I graduated from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic 25 years ago. I actually missed my graduation picture because I was busy treating a patient who had collapsed in a supermarket. So, yes the empty chair in the photo of the class of 1992-that's me, or should have been.
Unbeknown to many, Princess Diana became the patron of the A.E.C.C (UK) while I was in my final year and I had the privilege of meeting her when she came to tour the college. Her honesty, dedication, humour and integrity were something I always admired. Following her tragic death just after I moved to South Africa, I promised myself to always try and honour the principles she supported and which I firmly believe in. We tend to often believe what we hear and are highly influenced by media and gossip. The greatest thing I've learnt being a Doctor is not to ever judge and to also manage my own ego. I believe treating both humans and animals has furthered my understanding of the importance and effectiveness of Chiropractic Care and maintaining good Spinal Health. It's my 25 year reunion at A.E.C.C this year, so let's hope I can make it!!

July 16th 2017
I first met Pam in February 1996 when I had just begun practicing in Cape Town. She brought Ogun her 6 year old Dachshund for treatment. He was suffering with hind leg paralysis and was one of the first doggie patients I saw in Cape Town. He recovered fully and lived a healthy, happy life for another 10 years. Pam herself had a scoliosis and came for regular Chiropractic care until July last year when soon after she sadly passed away from cancer. She was a great advocate of Chiropractic and really an exceptional lady. We all miss her very much.

15th July 2017
Believe it or not, the original Chiropractors back in the late 1800’s treated lots of animals, and the treatment of animals formed a vital part of the origin and initial understanding of the principles behind Chiropractic. Yet somewhere along the line we seem to have neglected animals in terms of Chiropractic Care. This is a great pity because I feel there is much to be gained from treating both animals and people as was the case over 100 years ago. I think like many things in life, certain basic knowledge has been lost along the way and I feel very lucky and privileged to be able to treat both, people and animals, each providing interesting and valuable information about the other. I think initially training as a human Chiropractor is essential, as only people can give you verbal feedback about your treatment and their response. This then gives you an excellent platform with which to approach animals. The longer you then treat animals, the more you learn to trust your instinct and what you feel with your hands. Then you realize that verbal communication is sometimes misleading and that you have to also trust your instinct. You also learn placebo has no role to play in the animal kingdom and is not, as many medical Doctors would try and lead us to believe, the primary reason why Chiropractic Care is effective. If anything our analytical and questioning minds are the one biggest thing that prevents us from responding as favourably or effectively to treatment than our furry friends.
Mon-Fri: 8am-1pm
Tues and Thurs 3.30pm-5.30pm
Saturday: 8am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed